Pictured: Marissa leads a follow along "creating a storm" activity as students learn the importance of coral reef's added layer of storm protection for the island.
Coral Reef Week 2023 (Semana de los Arrecifes de Coral 2023) took place in Puerto Rico this year June 4th - 10th, thanks to the Department of Natural Resources and Coral PR. Coral PR is an organization made up by a network of coral reef (and associated ecosystems) conservation and management practitionars who organized the week of events dedicated to community involvement and education around the subject. 51 events took place on all corners of the island; including, tours of aquaculture facilities, beach cleanups, virtual presenations, water quality testing, and more!
The Coral Nursery had the pleasure of hosting an interactive presentation for the campers of The Palmas Academy, summer camp! Marissa Myer, ED, lead two groups of campers, split up by age group. The younger group, grades PK- 3rd, with a total of 72 kids, and the older group, grades 3rd-6th, with another 87 kids!

Marissa described the energy high, and was so pleased with the genuine interest and excitement from the campers as they listened attentively and actively participated in the presentations and activities around coral reef restoration, and ocean conservation.
They left with their "No Plastic Jars" to track single use plastic at home, and individual artwork as they added color to the reef. (Pictured below)

Big thanks to all parties that made it happen!